Marden Creek Circles

During the summer of 2022, I was looking for hiking trails around Guelph on satellite view of Google Maps. Something peculiar caught my eye:

What is that? What are these for? They look like walking paths, but if you zoom in, you can see there’s some sort of sign or plaque there.

What does it say? Is that a cross? Interesting… whose land is this?

The Ignatius Jesuit Centre is in the shape of the Norse rune Othalan which symbolizes inheritance, heritage, and estate, among other meanings.

This area is owned by the Ignatius Jesuit Centre and as an organization, seem to be quite invested in the local ecology and the old-growth forest in this area. Their website contains lots of information about their various programs and retreats, but also some information about walking trails open to the public.

They supply a handy map for visitors

For reference, the circles are located just below the Ruins in that empty grey patch:

The Centre has a labyrinth, but there is no mention of these mysterious circles. One would assume that they’re meant for some spiritual or ceremonial purpose, but it isn’t exactly clear. Also, what is on that plaque? Might it contain more information?

We decided to go and check it out. Unfortunately, we were only left with more questions than answers, as the plaque has disappeared.

The spot where the plaque used to be

This pile of gravel and rocks, at the location of the plaque, is a bit of an anomaly;
everywhere else was covered in tall plants and grass.

I didn’t think to take a picture of the paths themselves at the time, but the circles are just mowed into the grass. It’s a beautiful area and seems to serve some spiritual purpose, but I’ve been unable to find any more information about it.

A similar circle can be seen nearby as well, between the Friar Holzer trail and the Jim Profit trail.

You can see how this area follows along Marden Creek, running parallel to the Speed River, from the area containing the Circles.

I added this text back when I was grabbing these images, I thought it might be relevant.

I thought about contacting the Centre to inquire about these circles, but at the time, I hesitated for some reason. Shortly afterward, school would have started back up for the year and this mystery was placed on the back burner.

Today, the satellite view looks different and the other circle has almost vanished. We went back to visit this summer, and were sad to find that they haven’t been mowing the circle paths; it’s all grown over by plants, shrubs, and trees. It’s great for the bees and other pollinators, but it really seems like this is something they don’t care to manage anymore.

This image is from 2024 and probably captured in early spring?

You would have never known this was anything but a random field of plants and flowers

Here’s some information about the Ruins:

So, I suppose the only course of action now is to email the Jesuit Centre and ask about the Circles. I will update this page when I hear back from them!
